Thursday, November 11, 2010

laz min.. vacation?

yup.. is a fine mornin lik usual, and wad, is sat, 6 Nov, n wad, is hols, n i was sleepin lik usual nt early.. and den, a knock in d door wakin me up sayin goin to genting.. n evi1 was lik, so wad? crazy, dun lie jor.. den sleep bek.. so u noe, we din plan to go anywhere(nt us), and we're lik doin ntg lik normal days.. yup.. n in d other side of d door, i still cn hear my dad's call in d mornin for goin to genting, lik hell evi1 blif dat.. my bro was lik playin com in d early mornin.. n they to say no way, cont play.. i tek my pillow cover my head, of course, nt my nose, all pitch black whenever i see.. but i was awake bt dat aweful call in d mornin.. i stood up, and close d door.. wok paz my bed n went washin up.. s/how, i was half blievin his word, so i chg.. n den i went to mum, since she was nt jokin kind of person lik dad.. bt u c, no diff, mum was nt jokin bt she was laz min person.. i mean, laz min inform person.. and she say "pack ur bags for 2 days 1 nite within 30min", i was lik, huh? go where? she say, bukit merah laketown resort.. actually, i duno where it is.. i jz pek my bag and ended up, i'm cleanin up my cupboard, puttin nicely all d clothes other den packin my bag.. i duno hv i gt so much time to do dat.. at liz i'm satisfied wif d neatness.. (i think i kinda write it s/how... borin.. is a vaction poz, will b loooong, eventho i dun intend to.. n i duno.. so sleep if u wan to.. haha..) ok, i pek my laz min bag n put it inside d car.. yup, i'm rdy, juz rmb wad i 4got to brin.. n my sis, still duno where she was.. actually, she bath and den lock d door, n cal her, she jz din ans, and laz, she still duno wad happen.. and laz laz laz min, she jz brin her bear and thin go there, wif a bad-mood of course.. u noe, laz min noe-ing d situation.. her stuff mozly was left in d college there.. den we go eat breakfaz 1st, dat was bak-kut-teh... and we bought cd, ok, was nt reli 100% pure original.. and den watch in d car.. so, we start our journey.. it was sooooo long... and we finally reach... i 4gt d time, jz reli long.. it was rainin lik whole day and we cnt do anythin, n after them takin bath, we went to eat.. and surprisingly, findin fud was hard for us.. cz mum was d driver, wad do we expect.. she was goin more n more further away, jz for a single place to find fud.. and lazly, gv up n eat in a place dat so call "jiu jia" when is nt even air-condition or even close restoran.. it was open air.. oh, hw to say.. nt hygienic at all.. and d fud cum soo slow.. bt nice, jz i din even eat a single prawn in d whole bunch of prawn.. dun feel lik it.. 1st time.. ><" and den, go bek, tekin a bath myself, and we went to sleep.. d room was sooo smal dat s/how it was meant for 5 person.. i dun gt it.. i4gt to tek pic of d rum, is 1 queen bed, 2 single bed, 1 big sofa-bed.. quite surprise dat it fit those bed and still table, tv, chair.. so kesian... >< wad a rum i ever seen.. dat nite, i actually was bored, and readin manga was a no no.. due to d light was turn off totally unseen.. pitch back.. and suddenly brian call for me dat did i hear any water drippin sound.. sure enuf, it was ntg at 1st, bt den after checkin evi pipe or tap, it was close.. n my bro jz gv me a fright.. i was seriously gettin influenced by him.. n i cal for my dad to check, he was lik sayin ntg.. den we go bek to sleep.. and den d drippin sound nt reli bein heard den, bt it turn out to be lik a thin rubbin agaist s/thin de sound.. i was totally uncalm.. n i ask brian since we were d laz to sleep, bt he was totally off.. i tek d pillow cover my head, makin myself hard to breath within seconds, den gv up, jz cover my ear.. d sound still cn b heard in a silent pitch black room.. n i rq dad to open d lamp in a side... nt bright wan.. i cnt blif myself so dam scary-cat.. s/time, i am lik dat.. haha.. jz act brave so myself cn b brave, i mean nt scared.. if 4gt to b 1, i will reli b scared.. haha.. even for thin i usually think is stupid ltr on thinkin bek.. i mean, evi1 will b scared.. jz hw major is it.. n duno when sleep jor.. finally..
next day, i was bein awake by d noise mek by my dad, mum n sis they all.. bt i was sleepin bek.. tryin.. n all of  d sudden, d whole room was pitch dark.. o_O no electricity jor.. we're all lik.. wad the!! early mornin abt 6am or 7am s/thin no electricity?! den dad go out n check, it was told by d "neighbours" gt no electricity from 12am midnite for them.. and den my mum dad sis jeremy they all went outside to check any facility n check abt d prob.. and they say early mornin swimmin pool gt ppl swim jor.. and d ppl say it will cum bek at abother 10 min.. and say wad, 1hour ltr oso no electricity.. den we w8t untill buffet time, we den go eat breakfaz.. and my mum choose d place near d sea or lake.. and reli nt clean.. so i rq to chg to inside.. i think i ate nasi lemak+bee hoon goreng and ham+red pea wif tomato gravy and oren juice+water +chicken add sambal.. i 4gt i samo eat wad jor.. d bubur i ate lil n d bee hoon soup oso.. haha.. RM17 for buffet.. hoho.. bt i dun lik no sushi.. haha.. anyway, my mum say we're goin to orang utan island.. u noe, i was thinkin why orang utan is apearin in here? in geo teks said it was oni exist in sabah sarawak there wad.. anyway, i wan to sit d chairlift+skycycle.. so ltr we go bek "home" 1st.. den my bro n dad went swimmin.. n i was readin manga.. n sis went bath.. bro(brian din go 4 swim) oso ltr go bath.. den dad cum bek n tek bath liao den we get rdy to pack our bag into d car.. after finish n mum check out.. but den dad n brian had a fight.. very serious oso.. and den blah blah.. we go n play jor.. so den when go buy d ticket.. and we bought org utan island(dam, coz RM20 lik dat) n charlift+skycyle dat coz RM11 oni.. den bro they all buy drink + popcorn.. wow.. d popcorn was nice lik d gsc de.. haha... other always nt nice de.. >< and den we start by goin to chair lift.. u noe, it was lik cable car, jz it was a chair type, and nt so safety precaution.. u cn anytime fall if u wan to.. haha.. jz lik u see in d ski type ppl sit in dat kind of chair dat go till d top, we lik crossin over to d other side... very fun of course.. cz d oni place gt dis facility.. if nt nid go ski place.. haha.. eventho bein lift up high, and is nt reli safe, bt u noe, there is no fright.. u will nt feel is scary at all.. reli nice.. haha.. =D no regret sittin it.. after reachin to d other side, we're lik near d place wher we will find skycycle.. so we sit dat.. and it was actually nt "cycle".. u nid to use ur bare hand to move.. very letih i tell u.. haha.. and 1st dad n jeremy sit.. den me n sis.. den brian n mum.. and when cycle.. dad was slow makin evi1 stuck, cnt move.. and den mum very free, cz all d cycle is brian do.. and my sis was lik cycle lik so cham lik dat when i tek pic.. haha.. i even tek a video.. and den at d bek gt another family, was bein stuck in d bek cz we all was lik so slow.. ><" den fin liao, we all sit d chairlift again bek to top, and go to org utan island.. cz gt time to reach, so while w8tin, bro they all play d game arcade there.. and they play d hammer thin dat tez how strong u are de.. and dad play and gt second high score.. and when i play, d hammer was dam heavy.. and i was oni 4 out of 15(i think).. so lil.. den d boat cum jor, we den go n sit in it.. wow.. it tuk sooo long to reach d island.. and it was very plain oni.. den i found out there was a jp family in it.. bt u noe, d ppl there introduce d place in BM!! wad do they expect s/1 from other country to understand?! and den see some org utan, den c baby org utan, reli wearin diaper n drinkin milk in baby bottle.. den cn c many ppl w8t 4 d boat.. and b4 we go out from boat, dad was lik callin us to turn bek, n i dislik takin pic, jz turn bek n quickly go, n i hear s/1 say from d crowd of ppl thhere sayin us(more lik scoldin say) wan go out d boat oso nid tek foto meh! de bo song temper.. i was lik act duno n go away... i oso duwan de ar! ><" den when our turn to go bek, d boat still got abt 30 min lik dat oni cum again.... and i sit in d chair w8t, den my family left me alone there duno go where liao.. ltr there was an indian(a person b4 dat tok wif my mum abt org utan among d visitor) sit bside me n tok to me.. i was lik.. ah, oo... ahaha.. duno wad to say.. den i cal them n they went off to buy ice-cream w/out me.. den i go to them, n ltr buy a magnum classic.. eventho i duwan to choose dat, bt gt no other type.. too bad.. den ltr boat cum, we went to d boat n evi1 was eatin ice cream.. bt for me, i dislik d choc on it, dam sweet.. cnt tahan.. ><" bt i still eat mozly.. and when all fin except some choc left, i gv to my mum hu ask for choc.. i duno hw ppl cn tahan eatin dat.. sweet untill i duno hw to say.. >_>|| i rather buy water.. tok abt water, b4 we go to d  park, we gt buy popcorn n a big bottle of 100 plus.. evi1 drank it, except me.. i mean d 100 plus.. reason, i dislik drinkin ppl dat is unhygienic de drink.. to easy say, even is my family, drinkin w/out a straw or proper way, i reli cnt tahan, unlez is my sis dat i blif she is better den other lik my bro's.. dun reli understand y they all cn drink when even my bro drink d bottle wif d mouth, n.. dat is nt d main prob.. d MAIN prob i object drinkin was bcuz he din brush his teeth dat mornin!!!!! eww... i cnt blif dat.. if gt brush at liz i gt it, bt i dun reli drink oso, cuz i dun blif he do.. so, too bad.. whole day i juz din drink anythin.. =] anyway, b4 goin bek, we went to d game arcade there n play and i play d.. em... song game.. lik sdo press button when song play.. bt diff is there r 6 button n 1 leg pad.. 6+1.. and den i n my sis tek each side n i tek d leg pad oso.. play abt 3 time.. if u paz 1st round, u cn play 2nd round, den over liao.. very nice de game.. juz d button pressin gt prob.. den ltr mum saw sandals n ask sis wan buy anot.. i say nt fair, i oso wan.. den my mum say oni for my sis, so i was oh.. ntg much.. den ltr on i saw a pair dat was very nice, lik em, japanese style de sandal.. i mean it's pattern bt nt d design.. it hv pink n black.. i reli lik it bt it was d type of sandal dat will easily gt hurt between d toe if wear long.. for further thinkin, i din buy it.. but ltr on my mum say i cn buy oso.. den i choose a pair dat my mum suggest, cz better den ntg rite?? den sis choose d pair dat luk lik jp de, pink of cuz.. n wear it wok bek to d car.. n den we start our journey bek home.. haven few min, we went over a stall, n buy friend poh piah, pisang goreng..... i lik eatin fried poh piah, so i suggest dad to buy more den pisang.. bt dad buy soooo many pisang bt 9 poh piah.. so anyway, i eat d moz poh piah of cuz, in d blink of an eye.. ahaha... nice mar.. juz there de 'liao' very plain, ntg much.. n den ltr on de i 4gt jor.. juz rmb reachin home.. den ntg liao..
ok, dis poz was a veryyy long time ago de, din think i will mek it poz till nw, ahaha.. d foto gt tek bt i lazy upload, so next time will edit n upload it here.. ahaha.. ok den, i end here.. 16.11.10

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