Wednesday, November 17, 2010

jeremy'z b/day party + thin dat i hate

ok, so, is 13.11.10.. my lil bro b/day.. from mornin, mum dad go duno where.. and dat nite b4, i was gettin late up nite juz to mek d stupid invitation card for him, n he was playin all day long, nt even a ty i cn hear.. so, i decide i duwan to help him in d future..(so in dis poz, mayb cn b my reminder).. n sis was busy preparin for d party, specially fud.. n i, i dun even wan to care, juz dat my sis bo song, den i help a lil on d music part.. so, i go find n burn music.. ltr den, help on d ballon n goody bags.. jeremy's fren oso cum.. lil by lil, cum so many.. he even say gt 20 ppl ++.. and i dun even noe dat is d cake enuf.. and ltr on, my sis fren cum to colek $ from sis for d dance they dance b4 for taiwan thingy.. den, he oso join in d party.. and ltr on, when game time, jeremy was lik, duwan to cooperate, wad a hard headed person, lik a king lik dat.. so, ltr mek untill mum oso say next time duwan help him put party edi.. and sis n her fren was d yokin person on mic.. i 4gt wad dat call.. and i was force to b d 'dj'.. dat is wad sis fren say.. if i skip d game part, mayb it was funny anyway.. den ltr cuz bored, we play iq tez.. den no more jor, so it kinda wan to end liao.. jeremy whole day was juz tokin to his fren, n stick wif d girl(nt 1 is cute, all chubby de.. i mean ehem.. fat..= =" sori if hurt u, bt i dun think u will b so pro untill noe my blog) and den they all hide up stair play com jor.. and we oso keep n i watch tv.. haha.. so dis day, nt reli very nive.. my sis say it was d worst b/day party ever.. anyway, is always lik dat.. haha.. too bad, i wan to eat more cake.. i mean, dat is choc ice cream lieh!! ><"

i duno when it start, mayb it was from fri, bt thurs is d cause.. i was damn gettin pissed, nt in d outside, bt inside was me is gettin fire wan to blow up jor.. ^^ is dat when those childish guy of our class dat lik makin fun takin a freakin lame pic dat time durin laz day of skul(i say b4) n poz on facebook.. eventho is very blur, bt u noe, they noe hu is itok.. and luk, their makin fun of it.. of cuz by closin ur eyes u noe dat.. =] so, i terribly gettin pissed of by it an istant.. cuz is nt funny at all.. = =" so, i wrote dat is i wan to kill s/1 lik dat.. u noe is jk bt d feelin is true.. and ask to delete it, nt ind rude way, cuz i will think b4 poztin.. n they ignore me.. ok, i snapped.. n more ppl cum n joke around dat i dun feel lik is funi at all.. yup, i tot i cn close my eye n let it go ne.. so i ask in a polite way again to request for delete it.. cuz is nt polite to tek other ppl pic w/out permission n poz on fb to mek fun on.. den, dylan ask d person hu poz it, jeffrey to wan delete anot.. dylan tek d pic, yet he poz.. i mean other guy include in bt main culprit is them.. i relid uwan to b rude bt gettin makin fun of is nt a hapi thin to say.. don't u agree???!! if nt, u lik gettin mek fun of n i will b glad to throw n egg to c u smile n thx me for dat... n he even ask me y i remove d tag.. dun u noe manners?!?! dammit.. i say of cuz i hv d rite, beg him to delete.. and next was makin me pissed n mad.. i din reli get mad at 1st, juz smile n ask them.. bt for right, their in d wrong side, y should they act like their d person hu is big.. anyway, he was s/1 in class dat hv an existance percentage amount almoz to zero to me.. n i duno hu d heck is him for bein so rude by doin wrong.. i dun reli wan to fight or argue wif other, nor makin enemy n such, bt y cnt u jz b lil polite, eventho nt a sori word, i understand.. cuz i noe is always ppl hu is thick-skinned n nt lik to do dat.. bt at liz nt tok to s/1 lik dat.. i'm d kind hu wan tok, nt, duwan tok.. if any1 dislik, u cn juz say out, i dun mind, i even noe i am lik dat anyway.. so wad? i do thx for cooperate wif me, bt givin me dat attitude mek me wanna puke.. if u think is my wrong, think again.. from d start i was tryin to advice n u n rq to delete it politely, n from d start u're wrong in every single angle except on d mek fun wad is d big deal.. yeah, mayb u mek fun of ppl is nt big deal, so u lik gettin mek fun of, if u do, say so, i'm so pissed dat i cn reli gladly gv u egg splat on ur face if u lik it so much and thx me for dat.. if u do lik it, juz tek ur own n mek fun of it, dun u even understand others feelin!!?! r u even gettin d heck on ur mind dat lik dat is rude n juz simply makin ppl hate u.. n i even gv a sori neither is my wrong.. n wad is it? wad is d attitude of urs? is sori so hard to say?! i was goin to report it if i reli gettin pissed.. n d consequences is ur acc mayb gettin blacklisted n nt used again, n so i din do dat.. n i tot for u hu i dun reli tok to u b4 will b better den other lame ppl yet u're d worst.. evi1 hu is involve mek fun of ppl is d worst! i dun understand ur thinkin.. if u reli lik it, y u cnt tek ur own pic ne?? is it better? den no quarrel, n is ur own.. to me, ppl hu do dis hv no right.. n, i will gv an advice.. pls dun mek fun of any1 nt me bt specially my frenz if nt i was goin to get on my nerve to do wad i reli wan.. =] i'm nt a person hu cn keep thin if is wad in my mind dat instant.. a straight forward person.. and wan or nt, is me to decide myself.. so pls dun do dis or else pls tek ur own wif other to mek fun on.. is will feel better mayb to u if u do dat.. while if other givin d attitude i had, i hope to c hw u feel.. for nt givin an apologize to ppl u mek fun of.. i dun reli wan to b in a gud relation.. once again, better b sori den ntg.. i won't juz close my eyes n let it go next time if i'm pissed of.. i hate ppl lik dis.. dun understand ppl feelin while thinkin is fun.. while u guys try it den.. n better noe manners.. do behavier at all.. stilla child in heart.. dat ppl now dun lik it..
ps. if u dun agree my poz, u cn say out, i dun mind tokin wiff ppl lik gettin makin fun of.. u cn say out ur opinion.. bt pls dun b rude!! ty.. ^^

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