Saturday, August 29, 2009

HaPPy > go > LuCkY?! o.O

after the skul closed break, we gt a week of skul holiday too... when i tot of we'll b stayin at home for d rest of the holiday, my mom decided to cal my dad to tek lift n bring us go up to a one day trip to genting at thurs... (actually my mom asked for my dad to tek on friday bt cuz my dad gt presentation on fri so he juz tek on thurs..) so, in d start we're too lazy to go... den d laz we juz go ahead...

eventho is a one day trip, wat make it luk so dam... stupid n odd?... is my lil bro, jeremy, takin a bundle of blanket covered wif pillows n unnesesery stuff lik wan to shift d whole hse... even my classmate dat is oso my neighbour dat live in front of my hse, keerthna oso saw wat my bro juz did?!? omg... so paiseh...>< i dun wanna admit i noe jeremy n my another younger bro hu oso help him to tek in d car, brian. is it okay to bring dat?!? i'm wonderin... den so, our jouney to 1 day trip in gentin start..

on the way of the trip, wat i was doin? omg, i wouldn't wan to do dat again... sori, cn't spill in public if nt i think my sis will kill me if i say out... mayb... :X bt it's juz "helpin" my sis to "clean" s/thin... o.o so while we reach, we sat d gondola(cabel car) to d top... lol... it's lik kinda long reachin from one side to another... is it safe? bt if it's nt dat time, i won't b talkin to u here in my blog edi...

after reaching to d top, v went to d outdoor theme park to hav some fun there... cuz due to it's on thurs, so not reli manyyyyyyyy ppl there... v den sit d spinner cuz dat's d eye catchin wan when we step in... lol... dat time i forgotten to wear my jacket n it's reli cold when it spin... d weather dun luk gud i think... den ltr on we went to d coffee stand while cuz my parents wait us there n oso drinkin coffee for sure... lol....den later we went to try out d car wan... dunno wat name is dat... bt cuz we are very skinny so my two bro is too light so they cn't in, oni left my sis n me waitin for our turn... den while wanted to reach for our turn, d rain started to pour lil by lil... nt very big actually... den all d ppl hu's lining up for d rides nid to go bek... T.T so sad... later on we went to sit d merry go round dat is dam SLOW!! omg... no fun at all... i dun think d rain effect anythin... dat small rain...

den ltr we juz line up for "malaysia first rooler coaster", lol... when in our turn, d cload juz suddenly turn grey n very foggy... i juz sittin bek there prayin dat we cn ride... den when we ride on d halfway, d rain juz start pourin on us n let us soakin wet...o.O bt in d bright side... we're d laz hu ride dat time.. d bek ppl get kick out due to d heavy rain... when will d rain stop? i dunno... no one noe? oni d weather reporter we juz hope d rain spare us some fun at least...

den after a while, it turn to be a small rain again, we went to line up in d motor boat or somethin dat oso cn b said as a bumper car in water... haha... bt i kinda unlucky start... we den wear d life jacket first to be our turn... den, when d times come, u gt to ride on one of d boat... lol... juz on d engine n turn den ok edi... easy huh? neh... kinda hard to control d starin n u even nid to always hold on d engine, ur hand will turn red... so pain...o.o so when playin then, my boat suddenly went off when i'm so dam far away from d startin point?!? ntg to do with it... dun tell me u want me to jump n swim bek?? lol... every life jacket always hav a? u should noe... if nt u reli r... weird... cuz it safe life while u cal for help!! so den, if u're sayin callin me to blow d whistle for help...? neh... cuz d place dat it has to b in oni left string in it with an "imaginary" whistle inside... let's jump to d sea dat is so dirty n... yeww...bad idea... of course, i juz cal my bro to push me wif his boat to d side... haha.. yup... no funny at all...

after dat, d person came n help me wif d engine... lol... dat person is kinda young to work lik dat i'm thinkin.. he luk lik a 17 somethin teenage... lol... doin part time in genting waste bus fees... = =" bt d laz, time's up n we juz come out... den later on, we went to ride d train or somethin... dunno wat name oso... den d rain start to pour heavily again... = =" reli dun lik d weather... after sittin fin, due to d rain, we went to eat lunch inside there... lol... fish n chips n curry mee... plus chicken chop.. haha... of course is nt me eatin fin all these by myself... haha XD bt still d rain din stop... after waitin for so long... we juz exit d outdoors... T.T i hope d rain stop... bt den... it juz keep porin non stop...

(one of d ride... dat i wanted to ride...T.T)

so ltr we went to d indoor... we visit some of d mini shop over there... many arts stuff... haha.. there's oso ppl hu make wooden arts... cooll... wouldn't think it'll be seen in genting other den d musuem!!


(woo... a real life doll from musuem~~ neh... is a real person)

so... in genting... many adults juz always think abt d same thin... our parent's juz wanna go "gamblin" cuz they juz cn't stay away from d gamblin site when it's lik... GENTING! den my mom juz pass some money to my sis n left us alone in d game zone...= = *parents, dun copy wat they did... bad idea i tell u... bad idea!* den... we juz sat there... bored... bt i saw some bishoujo there... so i cn stand n grab some pic... scared d supervisor think i'm crazy to tek a foto of a pic of a bishoujo on d foto booth... lol... den... we go buy ticket to ply d game...

(where those ppl go to when i tuk d pic?!? they juz vanish in think air lorh... samo ask...)

(aren't they juz so pweetie.. jp bishoujo...!! <33 haha)

(dis... is juz addin for fun.. n yup... i hav ntg to do...^^)

so... i tell u... malaysia is always malaysia... it's normal... haiz... u noe wat i mean... ltr on.. my sis n briantuk d ticket n duno go where... i leh... nid to check out them n dat stupid jeremy...(u reli wan to spank him if u're there...)suddenly cry here cry there... think he's std 2 meh... continue... dat is also eatin his kitkat ice-cream... untill... yew... u wouldn't wan to c it... yucks... den my sis n bro go wave d card on d card reader on one of a ball throwing screen game... bt ltr on... they juz ran off... wth... den i dunno is it bein pay... i juz stand there n while wantin to check... i found out dat d ball dat neede to throw is beein "stoled" by d other player beside us... den i pick up one of a ball near my feet on d floor n throw to d screen... is lik... bam... it reli works... den dat time edi left 10 second... my sis n brian dunno go where... n i quickly cal jeremy to tek d ball n throw... bt too late... times out... G.O.... T.T gt d ticket point abt 10 oni,... = =

i den go to my sis n brian there n ask them wat r they doin... n they told me dat they oso wave dis machine too(d same type of game, oni diff machine) bt d balls let d other player(same as d one i said b4) stoled when they turn over... den again waste money...= =" so then... after we ply some other game... we den ply a very comman game dat is throwin balls to d hole... dat wan gt five holes... n oso contain lots of ball... so v choose wan is lik left side gt ntg n right gt another machine... so we juz make use of us so my sis stand beside d left there to throw d higher part... i den throw d lower wan n stand in front of d machine... brian den sit on d machine n throw d lighten holes dat cn get more score... n jeremy try refillin d ball n pass to brian... n of course... eatin his ice cream still...

(d stupid throwing ball screen machine... brian juz count hw many tickets we count... c those bright yellow tickets...? ~3~)

den we found out dat we ply dis game gt loads of tickets so we juz ply n ply nply untill wow... so many ticket we gt... dam much XD we den nid to count d tickets to chg for things... luckily when i walk... i found out dat some of d tickets been drop n d other ppl din tek it... so lucky dat they make some noise to let me turn around too... n oso dat time d other 3 of them missin dunno ran where n i juz luk all around... = =" den v gt 508 ticket result bt regrettin if we ply dat all dis time... we'll gt like more den 700+++... haiz...

(evidence of d tickets amount!!)

even when we wanted to chg d gift... we nid to use lik sooooooooooooo dam long to think of it... bad thin abt havin so many bro n sis... haha XD juz think n c n my sis n brian juz quarrel n bla bla bla... noisy... bt in d end we chg many things... hehe... oni brian juz chg a key chain of genting word on it... is it d rite choice to choose dat i'm thinkin... o_O

(d place to chg tickets we gt to gift...)

we den b4 goin bek to d cabel car... we stop by a restoran there dat hav some pot in front of d shop dat attrct my mom... bt nt me.. d first time i hate eatin rice n soup... bt d restoran is very small... nt juz becuz d shop is small... even d vege oso dam SMALL!! lol! dunno y nia.. we ltr b4 goin, juz tuk some pic of dat pot... silly... XD

(d restoran dat i'm sayin)

(d 3 pt... is it real?)

(due to his curiousity, jeremy jz too hungry n pt his hand inside d pot...very gud! XD)

(no.. it's fake to say...= =)

(do u noe? dis plate of vege is smaller den my palm.. o.o)

(see! so giam siap... dis wan smaller den my pinky!!)

cuz is nite, d fog is eviwhere n is COLD!! v den sit in a cabel car... bt dat's nt d prob... bad luck is comin again... oni dat cabal car gt no light... very dark... wow! lucky nt 1 person if nt will freak to dead... samo in front n d bek of d cabel car we sit isin't another cabal car... is a maintanence use "naked" gondola... pt u a scare... v cn't even c d sky... dam foggy... i managed to tuk a pic of a cabel car opp d way we head to n +d foggy part... cn't take d part we're inside dat cuz dark untill lik... black clr if u tuk a pic inside...

(see d fog? o.o mayb nt clear...)

(dis is d thing in front n d bek of d cabel car we r sittin dat time... o.o for maintanence wan... )

(if u cn't c d fog nicely b4, den dis wan u cn c clearly~~ @@)

so finally... we reach to d end... we all juz quickly jump down to d land n d first word mantionin in our mouth is "i'm alive!!" haha XD lik finally we get to be bek to d land... muackx muackx muackx... so puttin our footstep on d ground dat we're be leavin soon, we juz tek a pic of our laz in genting...

(guess huu's foot? o.o ans is me n my sis XP)

(d laz time v in genting... n d worse time too... >< say cheese!!)

so much bad luk bt i hope i cn go again n ply... bt 100% i'm nt wantin to b in d rain!!!!! argh... waste money to go outdoor...finally day n bla bla bla... kk... the end... lame story... dam long... hu will read fin all of it leh?!? if u reli do then write a comment down there c u reli did read fin ma.. haha... kk la... end of d topic... XD

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