Sunday, January 8, 2012

my birthday, i'm 17... which is... i hv grown old... =/

today was my 17th bday..
many things wanted t do dis 2012...
SPM, school, driving lesson, and everythin i cnt dis very second dat is s/hw important too...
i lik to update more things, but i always wrote n save to drafts, ended up, lol, delete or leave it...
that is me... =)

ok, i gotta thx all my fren hu come for my bday..
wenn, yuki, mia, keh yen, pei yi, pei yun, shir jin, angeline and yue wey~~!! thank you so much u guys, n ur present... =)

and they sang karaoke in my hse, which is oldies or audio only song.. and well, ltr hv relative's wedding to attend, eat gud food... =P
thanks to those ppl n frenz hu wished me in fb or sms...

sms, thx le ming for being d first hu send me at 12 midnite... and there was cindy as my second, and cullyn after durin 12 midnite!! thanks u guys, love u all... muacks..!
and oso other in late nite sms me lik wenn n fisshy... =D arigatou...

me now form 5 d... (wow, i understand my english is goin to fail now, damn lot of grammer prob...) oh well, dead meat since teachers are so much headache from me, thinkin of era teacher being changed and skul teacher....... haizz.... y cn't student choose? =(

anyway, i hope spm will b gud dis year, and evithin will b fine, and always healthy... and happy always... =D

thank you for those ppl hu care for me... i appreciate much.. =D thx my family, for today..
thanks to them, with all my life, to hv me to b here...^^

and lazly, tomolo skul, damn sien... hu cares?? O_O gonna die anyway?? i even forget wad hw do i hv.. >< ok, chit chat over... next time i'm gonna post my present den... except for mia's and wenn's... haha... =D

and den, thx for readin, after those crappy days i din update.. lol.. i dun even noe anyone is readin dis?? =D

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