Sunday, January 22, 2012

happy CNY yea~~!!

it's new year... and d dp currently using nw is the first day of new year last year 2011...
and now, its so damn fast time flies...!!
many things may happen this year, last year, n such.. but it doesn't change the fact that i am still me, and there are my family and friends..
this year may be the last year for everything, mayb not everything, and yet i hope that things won't change when years passed in the future..
and therefore, form 5, i hope everything will go smoothly, and may wishes do come true.. =)
hope i will get angpau(red packet) more abit dis year!! ><"
now b4 CNY got 3 edi.. hehe.. =P
including our one and only history teacher whom gave us angpau to our whole class student!!
dam gud... thanks so much..!! =w=

n i think even chinese new year may be bored for me this year lik last year or so, but the best experience i have dis year, is to shop for clothes and such.. =D
i shop for so long, and buy hell lot of things with my sis!!
dammit, n i was nt a shopping freak, now it makes me one.. ><
cuz my mum oni hv me buy 2 set of new clothes.....
and i hv a red n black stripe top at the thailand fair for 25 if nt wrong.. quite cheap la, i know... =)
then ltr on i buy a dress that originally cost 120 at jusco.. red checkers clothes... i know abit not so fit for d high cost, but it juz so nice.. ><" and after discount, still cost at liz 80.... =/
and den i guess my mum oso lik duwan buy for me la...

and so, mainly is cause me help my fren, shen teng order new year snacks.. n nvr thought dat it will b so ma fan...
after st.john club last Friday, my sis ask me to get rdy to teman her go out with her to time square.. and i was lik why, is bcuz her fren will pass d snacks from seremban over there.. and i was lik how r we suppose to go there, my mum 100% will not fetch us!!
and den i juz get rdy, n mum was furious bcuz my sis laz min tell her..
and we juz tell her we go to d nearest lrt station, in bukit jalil...
still far from puchong actually.. =(
anyway, went there, she was scolding lik hell, n i juz zip my mouth, n she scold me for helpin my fren buy... haiz... hw i know will so ma fan leh??
ended up scolding and samo nid to think a way ourselves to get there!

go there, see map, and sit lrt lor... buy token, the whole day hell lucky man, go and come back me and my sis DON"T KNOW how to see the lrt, juz saw train come den jump inside lik crazy, never thought we just jump the correct train, hell yeah!
and when i sit on the train and see d map, i only realize we reli dam shitty lucky, if not we're gonna b dead meat going in d wrong track..
and the monorail one was dam lot of ppl, reli so damn full, and after shopping, damn lot of bags nid to whole, untill my hand pain untill today.. serious! my spinal oso.. ><

1st, tek my frens punya snack, i cn tell u, damn heavy to take it.. almost lik 1kg plus lik dat... = =" no lying.. n we nid to expect ourself holding dat for d WHOLE day.. =/
lucky my sis so gud help me take it after i pass to her, cause i lik cnt stand the weight..

2nd, go shop for shirt... the 1st store we go got sales and we bought 8 clothes!! and bought 2 for mum... even if she scold us..
3rd, go to another clothes shop and bought 2 clothes and 1 short trousers~~ mine is d red checker top shirt... haha...
4th, shoe, and my sis bought d knee length black high heel boots!! original cost 120 to 150... and it was on sale there..
5th, shop around... and i bought 20 pair or earrings!!! some i give my sis, since the train ticket she pay for me.. =3
6th, we bought belt for each of us and it was d big type kind of belt... those we see in shop dat cn cost more den 25-50++... and was on sale too... =P me buy lil crytal around de, a bit plain but simple is nice.. my sis buy one is many BIG crystal in d center, and was lik bling bling!! =P
7th, went another clothes store and i bought 2 shirt again!! one of it is a plain black t-shirt, but nice cutting and quality, so i dun mind if is black only, simple is nice.. =D
8th, shop for shoe(mine).. and i aim for non-high heel.. den walk d whole place, one another, and in d end, the first place is d best, and i have to brain test my memory to REWIND my mind where we go from d last place to d first.. Damn big d place, leg oso pain... haha.. and bought a pair of sneakers, cn even saw some i lik bt cnt afford lik playboy brand cost 120++... =( but nvm, n my size don't have when i wanted to buy a pair of knee length brown boots.. but nvm, since knee length boots oso duno what occasion can use to wear??

and i even see the coolest shop ever!! is lik a scary house, sell those gothic stuff or wadeva, my sis say lik anime short or s/thin... damn COOL!!
but d aura is kinda scary inside, dark and creepy, oni thing dat was not there is a scary bgm if nt i oso duno how they get customer, but their shirt and mask n shoe freakin COOL!!!!!!!
love the shoe, but price like hell.. = =" 100++.. damn nice dat high heel!!
and d shirt, juz top oni oso cost 120++, wth??

ok, i even hv to say, malaysia gv foreigner new version of coins, but the ticket machine for d lrt cannot accept new version, wtf??
and they were line up in front of us, they took so long, n when we offer help, she gv me see her coin which always failed to accept by that stupid machine, and cause i din see b4 the new version, and it was at night, so i juz assume n told her is not malaysia coin..
ended up she let me see it is written there "MALAYSIA" n i was lik, lol when my sis told me is d new version.. and even d back ppl help exchange coins lik my sis.. and we oni notice a small unnoticeable note abt cnt accept new coins yet, WTF!
do u expect a foreigner to know which is d NEW version n which is d OLD?? and we have to line up with SOOOOOO many ppl.....!! go in d train oso run for it, simply jump and get d correct one after few station, and den no place to sit.. so damn many stuff mar... =P

ok, and ltr on bought similar high heel(more lik slipper with heels to me) at tesco with my sis n mum.. original cost 40.. =/ well, it hv sale, so neh... me black, sis n mum white.. =)
2 bro one was 27 for each..
dad oso 25 lik dat... juz shoe for whole family oso cost untill....... =/

many things, lik morning got some food la, chicken, pork, fish, prawn, vege, soup, etc....
ended up rlei cnt fin.. ><
cuz no kampung(hometown) to go back to, so juz us 6.. haha....

anyway, Happy Chinese New Year!!
the dragon year~~
hope wishes come true....!!
n i hope my SPM dis year can get more A's!! =D

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